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 A DIYer, computer nerd, traveler, chef, coffee fanatic and so much more. Like many of you, I wear a lot of hats and have too many passions and projects to choose just one. As a kid I was told I could be anything and everything I wanted to be. That is, until, I hit a certain age and the narrative started to change. Reality was setting in and it was now time to choose one thing to do for the rest of my life. Preferably one that requires college and makes a lot of money.

Sound Familiar?

How does a creative, multi-passionate person choose just one? The truth is, for me, I didn't. I became obsessed with learning and figuring stuff out on my own. I have a need to understand how things work and a drive to see them through. Graphic design, crafts, building and renovations. The list goes on. So here I am, living my ordinary wild life, DIYing and inspiring others to do the same along the way.

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